nba季后赛_直播中超联赛视频直播_亚洲杯中国出线_足球联合会杯 - nba2021年总冠军

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Julie Bishop attended as Keynote Speaker

Julie Bishop MP is an Australian politician who has been the Minister for Foreign Affairs since 2013 and the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party since 2007. She is the first female Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party in Australia history.

Julie Bishop attended 2009 Australasia-China Sister Cities & Australasia-China Business Summits and made speech on it. She highly appreciated the Chinese people who made huge contribution on 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. She also attached great importance to the diplomatic relation with China, to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields, and expected to keep in long-term mature and stayable relationship between China and Australia.

Hu Shan (Chinese Consul-general of Sydney)、Ken Smith (the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Victoria、the chairman of ACSCS & ACBS)、Henry Tsang(Vice-minister for NSW Government Affairs) and nearly 200 government officials and entrepreneurs of more than 50 cities in both countries also attended ACSCS.